Video analysis everywhere possible: "On the bus, the train, or on the sofa..."
"I have integrated the teamATHLYZER functions into everyday life and can now also coach my players online," comments Nils Huebner.

"Do we really need to schedule a video meeting after practice on Tuesday night? It's really too late for me...!" As coaches, we hear these voices more and more often when it comes to additional appointments in addition to training, tournaments or test and league games, due to the very engaging everyday school or professional life of our players. Even if many of our athletes consider the topic of video analysis to be an integral part of their everyday training and game routine, it is often not possible, in addition to private and professional commitments, to take the time for a video discussion in addition to 2-3 training units to prepare for or follow up on the league games .

Online coaching and video sharing enables better integration into everyday life
The teamATHLYZER feature offers me, as a trainer, the opportunity to share important scenes with my teams and individual players, even without a scheduled meeting, in order to improve their performance over the long term. Thanks to online sharing, the individual players can then deal with the scenes when they find time for it. Be it on the sofa or on the way to and from school, university or work. All they need is internet access, an e-mail address and a (mobile) device.

Simply enter the team in ATHLYZER and share videos
In order to be able to share scenes with teams, the corresponding team must first be created in the library. All associated coaches and players can be added with their respective e-mail addresses, which should have access to the shared scenes. Another advantage of this technique is that these sequences can be played immediately (as a stream) and do not have to be downloaded first.

Preparation of the video sequences and sharing via link
I prepare these “shared analyses” in the same way as an analysis during a team meeting. The scenes are aligned and sketches and text boxes are added for more detailed explanation. A corresponding playlist is then created and shared via teamATHLYZER using a link and password. The information is sent by e-mail to all previously entered players and their e-mail addresses. The link can also be copied and sent via WhatsApp, for example.
With TeamATHLYZER, analyzes and highlights are permanently available
All shared video sequences can be found online in the web browser under the corresponding link in the team feed. Conversely, this means that all players have 24/7 access to everything previously shared. With the help of teamATHLYZER, for example, internal highlights and basic processes such as strategies for corner defense or corner variants can be made permanently accessible.